27 May

9-Lifts Modernisation for London Health Service Trust

Hydratec has now completed the modernisation project of nine lifts for a London Health Service Trust for our customer. The start of the project dates back to 2019 as one of the lifts was installed, and then as the critical pandemic period hit, the works had to be put on pause and all equipment put into storage.

Early 2021, finally gave the remaining project the green light, so Hydratec was then able to progress with the remaining eight lifts, all to be completed by mid-April. These were located across four of the multiple Trust locations and included a set of three, 4-floor lifts, five, 2-floor lifts.

As with all NHS hospital/clinic locations, but especially in mental health institutions, Hydratec engineers had to be particularly sensitive of the noise and routine disturbance the work may cause to the building’s users. So, whilst still on lockdown, all jobs done on site were carried out with the utmost consideration for the patients’ wellbeing and medical staff alike. The modernisation project included replacement of controllers, door operators (as well as pushes and indications) and minor car interior upgrades.

Now fully operational, all parties were very complimentary about the final results.